Thursday 24 April 2014

THE SECOND DEATH - The lake of fire

In the beginning, as recorded in the book of Genesis; God told Adam that he may eat the fruit of every tree in the garden of Eden except for the fruit of the tree that was at the center of the garden, warning that the day he eats of the forbidden fruit of that tree; he would surely die. see Gen  (3:2)

Dear friends, God was referring to not only the natural or physical death of man but also the spiritual death or second death which will occur after judgement to those who have not lived rightly or believed in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus spoke several times in scripture using parables in some instances to warn people of the second death. see Mathew (13: 24-30). There are some religious beliefs that teach people that this is not possible; that God is not so wicked as to subject people to an eternal torment in a fire. They argue that hell is non- existent.

Dear Brothers, this kind of teaching is dangerous and clearly contradicts what the..

Tuesday 22 April 2014

EASTER- The death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ

I once read a commentary on a christian blog i follow from a muslim woman whom agreed that Jesus Christ was without any sin but could not understand; why God allowed Christ to suffer the way He did and ultimately be put to death? In her opinion; why would a Just God allow an innocent person to suffer that way? Dear Friends, as we celebrate easter this season, it is imperative for us to know and understand the way of the cross, the passion of our Lord and the reason for our celebration.

First of all it is important for us to understand that God is a Spirit and from time immemorial, people always offered sacrifices to God as an act of worship, reverence or in obedience to an instruction from God Himself. see (Gen 4:3-5); (Gen 22:2); (Chron 7:4-5) and (Lev 23:12).

As God led the children of Israel to the promised land, He knew that they would not be able to perfectly keep the law-the ten commandments; so he gave them a set of additional ceremonial laws or ordinances as a