Monday 9 December 2013


The other day, i was studying from the book of Revelation...precisely from chapters 2 to 3. The apostle John was in the Spirit and he received in a vision different kinds of messages from the Lord to the seven Churches in the former Asia..they are namely; The Church in Ephesus; Smyrna; Pergamos; Thyatira; Sardis; Philadelphia; and the Church of the Lodiceans. These members of the Body of Christ exhibited a certain Character that was peculiar to each one of them and was not befitting of true Christians except for just one of the Churches. Jesus, while acknowledging the sincere efforts of each of them; however sounded a note of warning to them as he pointed out the areas where each one of them had gone wrong. The only Church that Jesus commended fully and had no reason to correct was the Church in Philadelphia. Hear Him; 'Because you have kept My Commandment to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth' (Revelation 3: 10) see also (Rev 3:7-13) The Church in Philadelphia could be described as the Faithful or Perfect Church. As i studied... it dawned on me  that this message is for you and me and indeed the practicing Christian faithful today.
As i analyzed each of these Churches, I also discovered that some of the things our Lord pointed out as flaws in each of these Churches can also be associated with some Believers today. Let us examine together; To the Church in Ephesus  (or the Loveless Church), The Lord says 'I know your works, your Labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; and you have persevered and have patience and have labored for My name's sake and have not become weary. Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefor from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else i will come to you quickly and remove your lamp stand from its place unless you repent. But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. He who has an ear, Let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the paradise of God.'

Dear Brothers, sometimes in our own self righteousness, we despise and hate others whom we perceive or tag as sinners or unrighteous. We judge others instead of allowing God to be the Judge. Jesus asked us to love even our enemies (Mathew 5:44). The Lord warned this church of having left their  first Love. Brethren...our first Love is God; our first duty is Love of God and neighbor. It has been written...'He who does not Love does not know God for God is Love'. (John 4:8) When we choose 'hate' over 'love'; then like the church in Ephesus, we have left our first Love.

Brothers, when we share the gospel of Christ, when we correct our fellow humans whom have gone astray...let us do it lovingly without any root of bitterness or contempt. For God still causes the sun to shine on both the righteous and unrighteous. Let us also in our righteousness learn to love. see also (2 Timothy 2:22-23)  and( Gal 6:1). To be continued...

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