Thursday 10 October 2013


I once had a misunderstanding with a young man in a shopping mall parking lot. I was trying to pull out of the car park while he was coming in and trying to park his car. The next thing i knew the man came down from his car and started abusing me verbally with all manner of swear words. On impulse, I felt like i should come down from the car and trade some punches with him. Filled with rage, i opened my mouth to respond in the same abusive manner to this man but
almost at the same time within a split second i heard an inner voice say clearly to me and i am not mistaken; 'Keep quiet and be still'..My mouth was still opened, but no words came out. Then ignoring the young man i calmly drove off and the anger within me just disappeared. The young man who verbally attacked me may have been thinking in his heart after i left that i was probably  intimidated especially when he got down from his car, but i was rather responding to a by far more powerful and divine force.

Dear brothers, to be a true christian, we must not only profess our faith with our mouths but we must also live it. The Lord said; 'Blessed are those who do his commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city' (Rev 22:14)).

Our lives as believers should exhibit our Christianity. Our daily behaviors should be characterised by the fear of the Lord.We all know the commandments but do we really keep them? Do we show love for God by putting him first in everything we do? Do we love our neighbors  the way we love ourselves? and do we treat them the way we want to be treated? Or do we backbite and use abusive language against them when there is a disagreement?

When it is time to go to church service or attend fellowship do we just rather lay in bed and watch television? or prefer to go to the bar with friends when we should be having a quiet time with God studying his word in the bible. Anything that takes the 'time for God' in our lives no matter what it is has in itself become a god. In that instance, can we then say that we have kept the first commandment of God?

Brethren, let us not be like the people whom God described in (Ezekiel 33:31) 'so they came to you as people do, they sit before you as My people and they hear your word but they do not do them for with their mouth they show much love but their hearts pursue their own gain'

A most effective way to witness to others as Christians is in the way we behave; our thoughts, our words, our actions and inaction's and int the choices we make. Do we prefer to love or to hate? Do we make peace or make war? Do we forgive or are we bitter and resentful? Do we seek revenge or pursue reconciliation? Do we bless with our mouths and substance or do we curse with our tongues and positions?

To be a true Christian is to choose the positive traits over the negative. Jesus says it best in (Luke 6:44) 'for every tree is known by its own fruit' The disciple James encourages us; 'But be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves' (James 1:22). It is not enough for us to tell people we are Christians 'for as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also' (James 2:26).

In conclusion brothers, it is important to note that God is particular about how we live our lives. He will ask us on that day. Our relationship with him and with our fellow humans is critical. 'FOR NOT THE HEARERS OF THE LAW ARE JUST IN THE SIGHT OF GOD BUT THE DOERS OF THE LAW WILL BE JUSTIFIED' (Romans 2:13)


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