Friday 25 October 2013


There is a popular joke about a man who suffered lack and disappointment in his life. He didn't really have a family and his few so called friends had abandoned him. As a result, he became depressed and decided to commit suicide. He thought to himself...
' I will eat the only banana stick i have left and then die.' As he peeled the skin of the banana and flung it to the ground; another man came out of a nearby bush and happily picked up the banana skin and started to chew hungrily on it. The now startled but depressed man then rescinded on his suicide thoughts.

Dear Friends, the moral of that story?..No matter how bad you think your situation or condition is; you are better off than someone else and so be thankful for that. It has been said that in everything, give thanks. The word of God says; 'Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with THANKSGIVING, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus' (Phillipians 4:6-7).

What are your expectations in life? what are your challenges? His word says we can make our requests to him and he will answer but it should be with an attitude of thanksgiving.

Sometimes we focus so much on our worries that we fail to see the numerous blessings of God in our lives. That one is alive is enough reason to give thanks for life itself is a gift from God. The psalmist said 'Oh give thanks to the Lord for he is good for his mercy endures foerever (psalm 136:1)

One may not have shoes to wear but let him thank God for his legs for without legs what use would a shoe be of anyway. some people have had their legs amputated for a reason or the other. Another may be unemployed and jobless but let him thank God for freedom. For can such even have hope of a job behind bars? There are some people in prison now even for offenses they never committed. One may be poor but let him thank God for health for with health of mind and body he can have hope for increase and abundance.

There are some now in the hospitals suffering from terminal illnesses and even all the money in the world cannot save them. Even the one suffering from a terminal illness should give thanks for the life he or she has lived for life is a gift and there is hope of eternal life in Christ Jesus..for it is written 'for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord' (Romans 6:23). Moreover if that one's faith is strong, he or she can also receive healing for if God can raise someone from the dead (see John 11: 43-44) then will it be illness no matter how terrible that He can't deal with?

In lack or in abundance..give thanks. If one is single and unhappy and if another is married and unhappy for whatever reason; perhaps for reason of childlessness; Let him or her still give thanks and be grateful for what God has done and trust him for who He is, for it is written; 'For with God, nothing will be impossible' (Luke 1:37)

Finally brethren, let us like the 24 elders in (Rev 11:17) say 'We give you thanks O lord God Almighty, the One Who is and Who was and Who is to come'.

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