Friday 3 January 2014


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Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, 'If you abide in My Word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free' - John (8:31-32)

Every time I pray in a congregation or on my own, I always make giving thanks to God for freedom an important prayer point. There is a popular saying that goes;'you don't know the worth of a thing until it's taken from you.' This held true in my case. Some years ago in the course of my profession, I was wrongly accused and locked up in prison for a couple of months (I wasn't convicted though) until..
The Lord vindicated me and I was released. Even though I wasn't convicted but only remanded, this prison experience however, had a major impact on my life. The mere thought of confinement to a very limited and uncomfortable space almost made me go mad.(I am somewhat claustrophobic) I had to turn my back to the cell gate,close my eyes and imagine ( trick my sub conscious mind) that I was at home to get through the first night. I suffered a lot of psychological trauma.

My friends, to be imprisoned even for a day is not an enjoyable experience and so anyone who has liberty of movement even for a day is really blessed. Freedom is truly a gift. Even if such person had no job or means of income at a moment; if he can rise in the morning and say to himself today, I will go to this place and that place; even if he ends up not going but if he could even think like that...then he is blessed.

There are people; many people in prisons all over the world today, that cannot think this way. Some have been sentenced to a lifetime in prison which literally means they are spending the rest of their lives in prison. I met some of these people. I met a man who had been there since 1982. I was just three years old then. You might be thinking..oh we'll they probably deserve to be there. I also met some who claimed they were falsely accused like me but have remained there because they had no one to fight for them or defend them. I met people who had spent 7 years on awaiting trial and had not even began a formal sentence yet.

Brethren, when we pray let us remember to pray for those whom are imprisoned especially those whom are falsely accused, that The Lord will vindicate them and they may regain their freedom. Also let us pray for those who are legitimately doing time for crimes they have committed; that The Lord will give them the grace to endure till their sentences are over, that they should not loose hope and come out as more responsible citizens.

For those whom have been given life sentences, that they should not loose hope; like the psalmist said, that their afflictions will draw them closer to The Lord. And perhaps by some miracle that the truly repentant ones may have their life sentences converted to shorter ones. For with man it may be impossible, but with God all things are possible. Let us when we can visit the prisons and empathize with the inmates contributing whatever we can for them and encouraging with the Word.

Finally brethren, let us also when we pray, remember to give God thanks for freedom especially you whom have never experienced incarceration..for by so doing you give God even more glory.

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