Monday 17 March 2014


                                        ' I WILL ARISE AND GO TO MY FATHER' - (LUKE 15:18)

The other day, i was watching my daughter as she slept in bed. She looked really tired for she had played so hard all day. As i looked on i felt an overwhelming sense of love for her and i thanked the Lord in my heart for giving her to me and my wife. Now she is just over 2 years and can be very naughty and unruly at times; but that does not in anyway affect the great love i have for her...I then considered our Father in Heaven the Most High God and His relationship with us and i believe its something similar only what i felt is only a fraction of what God feels about all His children for we were all made in His image and likeness. The Bible says in
John 3:16 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have Everlasting Life'. Even while we were still sinners God loves us.

Dear Brothers, the story of the prodigal son is a very popular one in the Bible. Jesus used this story to teach us that there is redemption for all humans including those whom have gone astray. In (Mathew 5:45) It was written that 'He makes His sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. In fact Jesus said in Mathew (9:12-13) Those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick. but go and learn what this means 'i desire mercy and not sacrifice'. For i did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance'

 Dear Friends, Jesus is calling you and me today to make a turn around. What is that issue or challenge that makes you feel like giving up on life? It might be your marriage; your job; your business or your finances. I have my own concerns too, we all do. Jesus said we should cast our burden upon Him because He cares and will handle it.

For the prodigal son, his own turning point came when he had squandered his inheritance given to him by his father, became hungry and was unable to fend for himself. He then came back to his senses and declared; 'i will arise and go to my father and will say to him, 'father i have sinned against heaven and you' - (Luke 15:18) At times, God uses a crisis in our lives as a wake up call for us to return to Him. There is no problem that God cannot fix; there is no challenge that is too big for God to handle. He only wants us to submit ourselves completely to Him by confessing and repenting of our sins.

We all know how the story of the prodigal son ended. As he repented and returned to his father; he was warmly welcomed back and celebrated.  He no longer suffered hunger and lack and was once again part of the family. Likewise, there is much celebration in Heaven over one repentant sinner. see (Luke 15:10)

 And so brothers be encouraged in the Lord and in the power of His Might; let us forsake sin and our past unfaithful ways.see (1 John1:9) Let us repent and like the prodigal son, declare today; 'I WILL ARISE AND RETURN TO MY FATHER' and be rest assured that the Lord will receive us and welcome us back to the family of Gods Kingdom where His protection and abundant Blessings shall always remain with us. Amen

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