Tuesday 10 February 2015


                                                 credit: incultureparent.com

'The great day of the Lord is near; It is near and hastens quickly. The noise of the day of the Lord is bitter; there the mighty men shall cry out' - Zephaniah 1:14

My Brothers wife recently gave birth to a baby boy; to God be the Glory. When one sees a pregnant woman in her early weeks of pregnancy; it might not be immediately obvious to see judging from her outward appearance except she is subjected to
a specific test to determine this. However, once that woman reaches an advanced stage of her pregnancy; for example when she is 8 months far gone; she no longer needs to go for a pregnancy test to determine her pregnant status. From her protruding tummy and swollen external features, anyone who sees her would know immediately that the woman in question is pregnant with child.

Likewise dear brethren, the world we live in today is also heavily pregnant with signs of the Lords expected coming (the End of the Age). This is very obvious to see because because the world today is at an advanced stage of its pregnancy with signs of the times.

Once the set time arrives, like a pregnant woman who has reached the end of nine months; God's judgement would be delivered to the earth.(Please read: Isaiah 26:21. Psalm 75:2. Psalm 76:8-9). With advancements in medical science, doctors today are able to predict the expected due date (EDD) of the Child's arrival...but even at that, sometimes these predicted dates are not always accurate. There have been instances where the child arrived either before the EDD or after the EDD but most certainly with all things being equal; the child is eventually delivered.

Like wise dear friends, what is certain is that God's Judgement will be delivered to the earth whether it delays or not; but of the day or hour no one knows (Mathew 24:36). So what are we to do as believers until the coming of the Lord? The Lord's disciple Peter advised us; 'But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers' - 1 Peter(4:7). The Master Himself Jesus also said; 'Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming' -Mathew (25:13)

Dear Brethren; the word 'watch' is again emphasized. From my understanding; to watch means we are to constantly examine our ways and ensure we are still keeping the faith; that we are still on the narrow path that leads to Life. Just like a man; whether he is sick or not regularly goes for a health check up and does a series of health tests; lest he fall ill suddenly. We also as Christians are to regularly examine our ways to check if it is still in accordance with the commandments of God in His Word.

The Apostle Peter further encourages us 'to be sober, to be vigilant because, your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour' - 1 Peter (5:8) given that we are living in the last days.

Dear Brethren; this regular self exercise of watching and praying is especially important as the Lord has warned us; 'and because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures till the end shall be saved'.- Mathew 24:(12-13)

And to the lost world, to those who have not known God nor do His will. to those who do not call upon the God who created Heaven and earth because the say; 'there is no God' (Psalm 53:1); to those who have not believed in His only begotten Son Jesus Christ nor accepted Him as Lord and Saviour in their lives; Jesus has a message for you and it is as He said; 'I tell you no; but unless you repent you will all like-wise perish' - Luke(13:5)

Finally Brethren, it is my sincere prayer, that when the Lord returns at the end of the age; May He find us Watching and Praying as He Commanded. May He find us Sober and not asleep. May He also find us in His friendship and diligently going about His Business. And at the end of it all; May we receive a crown of Glory and the right to the Tree Of Life as He promised in (Revelation 22:14) Amen.

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