Thursday 6 November 2014


'And He said to them, strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many I say to you will seek to enter and will not be able' Luke13: 23-24                                        

The Disciples of Jesus at the time wanted to know how many people will be saved. And His reply to them according to (Luke 13: 23-24) was that people should strive to enter through the narrowgate for many will seek to enter and will not be able. The word; 'STRIVE' according to the oxford English dictionary means to try very hard to achieve something or great effort at getting something.

Dear Brethren, this message is for us today. to be a genuine Christian is not an 'easy' task. It is not easy to be struck on one cheek, then
instead of retaliating in like manner, offer the other also to the aggressor. It is not easy to also offer your cloak to someone who has unlawfully taken your tunic away. It is not easy dear brethren to love your enemies or bless those who curse you let alone pray for sounds ridiculous. But these are the very things the Lord expects and has even commanded us to do them. Please read (Mathew 5:39-46).

It is not easy in a sense (according to human wisdom) to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Being a disciple of Christ means behaving in the manner He has taught us to no matter how inconvenient it may be to us. But in another sense, it is easy (according to the wisdom of God) because He has said His grace is sufficient for us and His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

The Lord however remembers that we are flesh; that is why he encouraged us to 'enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go by in it. Because NARROW IS THE GATE AND DIFFICULT IS THE WAY which leads to Life, and there are few who find it' - Mathew (7: 13-14). It takes humility, meekness and complete obedience to the Word of God to go in by the Narrow gate.

Dear friends; when we slap those whom have slapped us back; when we arrest and sue those who have unlawfully taken our goods; when we curse our enemies and refuse to bless them or pray for them; when we refuse to show ridiculous as it may sound, when we persist in sin; we have in those instances chosen the wide gate and the broad way that leads to destruction.

Our God is a merciful God...He expects us to forgive any wrong done to us (Mathew 5:7) (Mathew 6:14-15). Our God is a loving God...He expects us to show love even to those that hate us (Mathew 5:44). Our God is a Holy God...He expects us to be Holy (Leviticus 11:44) (1 Peter1:15). Our God is Perfect and He expects us to be Perfect just as He is. Well is this even possible you may ask? (Luke 18:27) 'Jesus replied, what is impossible with men is possible with God'. To effectively avoid the broadway especially in this generation of moral decadence and walk through the Narrowgate, we need God and the help of His Holy Spirit.

We can receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23) by asking from God through prayers (Luke 11:13) after genuine repentance.

Finally brethren, it is of profound importance to walk through the Narrow gate because beyond this gate is a path (difficult for the world to reason out and understand) that leads to Eternal Life or Immortality and unending Joy. Treading this path with Gods help is the whole essence of our earthly existence.

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