Thursday 4 December 2014


                                                 credit: stand firm in the

I was recently chatting with a friend and he told me of how he was listening to the biography of a popular American female musician; and realized that she deserved so much praise for her achievements. Now there is nothing wrong in commending someones hard work or achievements but it is right to always acknowledge the true source of success in any sphere of life. The Lord said in John (15:5) 'he who abides in Me and I in him bears much fruit, FOR WITHOUT ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING'.

Dear brethren, sometimes we might be tempted
to think or feel that our own genius, brilliance, wisdom, skill, hard work or talent has brought us much fame or success.But when we are successful, it is always important to acknowledge God as the true source of that success. This depicts humility and it pleases God and He will even bless such person much more for it was written; 'for whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted'.- Luke(14: 11).

I further went on to let my friend know that while this musician might have achieved so much in her career that only God deserved all the praise for whatever talents we might possess for all good things come from Him alone.

I then asked him; can this musician in question walk on the sea? Mathew (14:25); can she feed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Mathew (14:19-20). can she raise the dead back to life? John (11: 43-44). I probed further, does she know the measurements of the foundations of the earth or to what it is fastened? Job (38:4-6). perhaps she knows the path of the thunderbolt? Job (38:25) or has she seen the treasury of snow and hail? Job (38:22). Does she even know the numbers of hairs on her own head? Mathew (10:30). Its obvious we cannot even begin to comprehend the Intelligence or Majesty of is beyond our human understanding..

Well to those who believe in the existence of God,you might say; 'How can you even compare any human being with God Almighty?'...its exactly the point i am making. That is why, regardless of whatever we think we might have achieved in life...ONLY GOD DESERVES ALL THE PRAISE. All the riches of the earth cannot even be compared with the splendor of the Living God. It has been written; 'Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised. And His greatness is unsearchable' - Psalm (145:3).

Finally is not to us to boast in our achievements or that of others for every true believer should know that all good things comes from God alone. it was also written; ' but he who glories, let him glory in the Lord for not he who commends himself is approved but whom the Lord commends' - 2 Corinthians (10: 17-18)

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