Monday 9 September 2013


I once read a story about a man who had an after death experience. He was wealthy; a philanthropist and a Christian who had done a lot of charitable work. He had built churches, given to the poor, sponsored peoples education etc. Then he passed on and had an experience of heaven where he saw a lot of mansions of different shapes and sizes. (see John 14:2). However, he sought to understand why some mansions were bigger than the others and why some were more decorated than the others. Then his escort an angel explained to him
that the kind of works a person does while on earth; in other words, the extent of the persons commitment to
the Christian faith will determine the type of materials used to build the persons house (see Revelation 22:12) Out of curiosity, he then pleaded with the angel to show him his own house. After some persuasion and permission from the Lord, the angel then took him to where his own house was. To his utter dismay, it was not anything like the other big and beautiful mansions he had seen earlier. He then began to query his escort in this regard; after all his philanthropy, benevolence and charity work he had done while he lived on the earth? He demanded to know from the angel why he had been short changed?

 In his response, the angel agreed with him that it was true he had been a cheerful giver while on earth and did a lot of commendable deeds. His escort told him that he had received his glory from men on the earth and as such had little or no reward in heaven, even though he was saved. Jesus said in (Mathew 6:1-4) 'Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven. Therefore when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, i say to you they have their reward. But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will himself reward you openly'.

Dear Brothers, giving to charity is good but the type that pleases the Lord is when it is done in secret. The next time you make that donation to a church project, let it be anonymous. Give to the poor and less privileged by proxy. Do not stand in the church before men and make announcements about how much you are giving. Likewise, do not even let the church officials make such announcements on your behalf nor make mention of your name. Let it be 'classified,' top secret. if you do announce your donations then men will admire and praise you and you take the glory that rightfully belongs to God.

Was it not God who gave you what you are giving back? Was it not the Lord who kept you alive and in health to be able to make such donations in the first instance? why then attempt to usurp the Glory of God because you prefer mans reward to that of the Lord? I encourage you brethren...let us do Charity the way and manner that he has asked us to for this is what pleases Him.

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