Friday 6 September 2013


'Even my own familiar friend whom i trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me' (Psalm 41:9)

I often feel that King David in this scripture was unwittingly prophesying of the betrayal of our Lord Jesus by  Judas Iscariot. To be betrayed or hurt by someone close or a person you trust is often painful. Around the time i discovered my 'fraudulent friends office address was fake (I actually wanted to get him arrested that day) the Lord showed me this scripture 'And from him who takes away your goods, do not ask them back' (Luke 6:30)

The day i fell to my knees and really forgave my 'fraudulent friend' who hurt me was the day i stumbled on an account by DANIEL EKECHUKWU on YOUTUBE CLICK HERE. The synopsis of his story is that
he died in a car accident and came back to life after some days. He would have gotten thrown into hell even though he was a pastor and prayed to God to forgive him his sins as he was being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. Eventually, he died. An angel in the spiritual realm explained to him that his last prayer of repentance was unanswered and in vain because apparently; he had quarelled with his wife and refused to reconcile with ber before he had the accident that claimed his life.(see Mathew 6:14-15) The angel told him if the book of his life were to be examined he would end up in hell..that it was a matter of reaping what he had sown.

Dear Brethren, i did not witness the events of this story firsthand to validate his claim but at the same time, i have no reason to doubt his experience. After watching this video, i try to forgive quickly all who offend me so that when i pray, the Father will also forgive my iniquities. I encourage you to do same.

On the sermon on the mount as recorded in (Mathew 5:7) Jesus said 'Blessed are the Merciful for they shall obtain Mercy'. The disciple James tells us 'For Judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment' (James 2:13). The apostle Paul admonishes us ' Pursue peace with all people and holiness, without which no one will see the lord, looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; Lest any root of bitterness springing up cause touble and by this may become defiled' (Hebrews 12: 14-15).

My brothers, my sisters, why do you want to compromise your salvation and end up in hell? Can your own blood redeem from iniquity and death? Jesus has paid the price with his precious blood. Why not obey his word and forgive the one that hurt you. Remove the hurt and bitterness from your heart. Vengeance is mine says the Lord i will repay (Deut. 32:35)

Our Lord Jesus, even dying on the cross, prayed to the Father for the forgiveness of those who persecuted and crucified him. Let us do likewise and develop a heart of forgiveness.

A word is enough for the wise.

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